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Pelosi Could Face Major Punishment After Violating US Code

Donald Trump Jr. blew up the internet today after posting a tweet revealing US code that shows Nancy Pelosi could potentially be facing serious punishment for tearing up Trump's SOTU speech, if it proves to be an official government document.

Not only was her little stunt very immature, but it perfectly represents the current state of the Democratic party.

Here's the tweet from Don jr:

He hit the nail on the head. If Trump had done what Pelosi did, can you imagine the outrage from the media?

Here is the full description from Cornell, and as you'll see it shows Pelosi could be in some serious trouble:

(a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
(b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States.


Sounds like Pelosi's little stunt may end up costing her big-time.

I'd love to hear what you guys think... should Pelosi be fined and removed from office? Sound off below.


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