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Michelle Obama & Laura Bush Undermine Trump, Help Raise $128 Million for WHO After Trump Halts Funds

While countless Americans are barely struggling to survive, Michelle Obama and Laura Bush put their efforts towards helping raise money for the World Health Organization.

Both of the former first ladies filmed a video gushing over WHO and took part in a fundraiser event on television that raised $128 million for the corrupt organization.

The group that put together the fundraiser announced after the event that they raised $127.9 million for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO. They also raised an additional $72.8 million for first responders.

Yes, that's correct, they raised nearly double the amount for WHO than they did for local first responders. Not surprising considering they're globalists.

More from Global Citizen:

Obama and Bush joined forces with global health experts, world leaders, frontline health workers, and some of the world’s biggest names in music and entertainment for the global broadcast — to celebrate and support frontline workers and unite the world behind the global COVID-19 response. 
Their message, to the public and frontline workers watching at home, was one of strength, solidarity, and "overwhelming gratitude" to those who are "risking their lives on our behalf."
"Over the years, Laura and I have traveled across this country, and around the world," Obama said. 
Bush continued: "We have visited with you at your schools, libraries, diners, places of worship, and even at your kitchen tables."
"And we have had the profound privilege of getting to know you and your families," continued Obama. "Your hopes, your struggles, and your triumphs."
But despite this "difficult period of physical separation," Bush highlighted that we have never been closer. "Not just in our great country, but tonight, we stand with the people of the world."

Obama and Bush's help for the WHO has left many Americans feeling frustrated.

Why did the former first ladies make such an effort to raise money for the WHO instead of trying to raise money for the millions of Americans currently unemployed during the pandemic?

Essentially a bunch of globalists manipulated unemployed Americans to give the little money they have to help the WHO, meanwhile small businesses across the country are closing up shop.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Obama and Bush's video undermining Trump's decision to defund the WHO also comes right after the mainstream media encouraged Biden to form a "shadow government" to counter Trump on the coronavirus.

It's quite sickening the levels the Democrats are going to as they try to exploit the coronavirus to stop Trump.

Prayers for our president tonight.


Apr 23, 2020

I know what is wrong with the Obamas but this is to the Bushes what in Gods green earth are you thinking about! We have backed your family forever and now you are just

Turncoats! Is that all because

President Trump beat your brother for the nomination!

How little can you get? You know the WHO is not working for the USA but you are saying

That’s Ok????? Wake up people!! God Help Us!!


Marilyn Ehlers
Marilyn Ehlers
Apr 21, 2020

So, laura bush is a piece of Crap, too! her hubby was a lousy president. Never accomplished anything. Neither did michelle's idiot husband. Two losers in one camp. Let them be bed fellows--that's about all they will ever accomplish.


Apr 20, 2020

Both these women are traitors to the American people. Here we have people struggling to pay rent and buy groceries and you are raising money for a group that takes money and keeps it for themselves. The WHO is s pile of crap organization and I’m glad President Trump is not putting up with their crap no more. If you truly care about this country you would be so sing money for small businesses and for those out of work. Otherwise you both are selfish bitches and traitors to this country


William Flatt
William Flatt
Apr 20, 2020

All these globalist scum need to hang till dead. They support our enemies, because they ARE our enemies!!

The Bushes, Clintons & Ovomit are all friends with each other, NOT YOU.


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