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Donald Trump Reacts to ‘Devastating’ Findings in the Arizona Election Audit Update

Donald Trump reacted to the prelimary findings of the independent election audit team that testified in an update to the Arizona Senate on Thursday.

“Arizona Senate hearings on the Maricopa County Election Audit is devastating news to the Radical Left Democrats and the Biden administration,” Trump said.

“While this, according to the Senate is preliminary, with results being announced at a later date, it seems that 74,234 Mail-in Ballots were counted with ‘no clear record’ of them being send,” he added. “There were 18,000 voters who were scrubbed from the voter rolls AFTER the election.”

“They also revealed that the voting system was breached or hacked (by who?),” he added. “Very big printer and ballot problems with different paper used, etc. and MUCH MORE.”

“The irregularities revealed today amount to hundreds of thousands of votes or, many times what is necessary for us to have won,” Trump continued. “Despite these massive numbers, this is the State that Fox News called early for a Biden victory. There was no victory here, or in any other of the Swing States either.”

“Maricopa County refuses to work together with the Senate and others who are merely looking for honesty, integrity, and transparency,” he added. “Why do the Commissioners not want to look into this corrupted election?”

“This highly respected State Senator Wendy Rogers said in a tweet this hearing today means we must decertify the election,” Trump said. “In any event, the Senate patriots are moving forward with final results to be announced in the not-too-distant future, but based on today’s hearing, why even wait?”

Earlier, several disturbing preliminary findings came out at the Arizona Senate hearings: 4,000 absentee ballots lacked documentation, thousands of ballots were duplicated without proper documentation, and most shockingly, over 11,000 voters were not on the November election voter rolls, but showed up later on the December voter rolls. As a reminder, Donald Trump lost Arizona to Joe Biden by 10,457 votes, or merely 0.3 percent of the state’s certified count.

The two-hour Arizona State Senate briefing is provided below.

The testimony of digital forensics expert Ben Cotton discussed the rigorous procedures that were undertaken, including 24/7 surveillance, and processes to ensure that not a ‘single bit’ of the election data could possibly be changed.

Cotton’s testimony rebutted claims that the voting machines were compromised and thus could not be used in future elections.

“I have this question, I don’t understand,” Fann said, “How can the Secretary of State say that she can’t certify the machines weren’t tampered with, when supposedly we have people that… certified people that come in to certify machines aren’t tampered with? It doesn’t make sense. Could you explain that to me please?”

“Madame President, I certainly undertand your confusion, and I share that with you,” Cotton said. “I’d also like to reiterate that as part of our evidence handling procedure, we had cameras watching over our evidence storage facilities and our acquisition and replication procedures 24/7.”

“So, any form of tampering certainly would have been caught,” he added.

Former Arizona Secretary of State and State Senate liaison Ken Bennett discussed the chain-of-custody procedures and the questions involving duplicated ballots.

The ballot boxes for the independent audit were received from Maricopa County and then locked up in cages with 24-hour guarded armed security, both inside and outside the facility, as well as 24-hour livestreamed surveillance video, Bennett said.

He said that there was “continuous and complete” chain-of-custody documentation for all the ballot boxes and voting equipment.

The Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan revealed a number of alarming ballot issues. Many of the ballots had “bleed through” and printer calibration issues. Logan said there were “roughly 160,000” ballots-on-demand in Maricopa County on Election Day. These ballots were unlikely to be ‘Vote Safe’ by using standardized paper for elections.

Arizona Senate President Fann noted that the media had earlier questioned those who had raised such issues, mockingly labeling them as purveyors of ‘Sharpiegate.’

Fann pointed to canvasing as one of the possible solutions to resolving issues of voter intent, while pointing out the hypocrisy of critics, even those in the Biden Department of Justice, who pointed at the practice as one that could potentially lead to ‘voter intimidation.’

“I do know of a case where one house got 25 ballots in the mail and only two people live there,” Fann said. “And so we had talked about how we verify that. And there was a question about canvasing.”

“The Department of Justice sent us a letter about four or six weeks ago,” she continued. “And said, ‘we’re concerned about you actually knocking on doors, that it might be… voter intimidation or civil rights violation or something’.”

“Which I find it interesting, after the White House last week said ‘we’re going to knock on doors to see if you are vaccinated or not’,” she added. “But that’s a side point,” she noted, then said that such a canvasing effort is postponed conditional upon the results of the audit.

“Based on the data we’re seeing, I highly recommend canvasing,” Logan said. “Because it is the one way to know for sure whether some of the data we’re seeing, if it’s real problems or whether it’s clerical errors of some sort.”

“For example, 74,243 mail-in ballots, where there is no clear record of them being sent,” Logan said. “And just to be clear, here in the state of Arizona there is EB32s and EB33s. EB32s is supposed to give a record of when a mail-in ballot is sent. And EB33 is supposed to give a record of when the mail-in ballot is received.”

“So there should be an equal… there should be more EB32s, more sent out then there are received. Specifically, with these we can tie them to a specific individual it was mailed to,” he continued. “And so, we have 74,000 where we have, it came back from individuals where we don’t have a clear indicationthat it was ever sent out to them.”

“But I think when you have 74,000, it merits knocking on a door and validating some of this information,” he added.

Logan then talked about the lowering of signature-matching standards on envelopes to allow more absentee ballots through. He pointed to a legal affidavit.

“When mail-in ballots were received, that so many of them were received, that the standards reduced over time,” he said. “They originally talked about, there was initially 20 points of comparison on the signature, then after some time they were told to go to ten points a signature, ten points of comparison, and then five,” he noted. “And then eventually, they were just told to let every single mail-in ballot through.”

“We think it’s important to get the mail-in ballot images,” he added. “And see how many, if any, blank signatures came through.”

Then Logan revealed one of the most bewildering preliminary findings of the audit: Voter rolls issues.

“We have also seen some interesting things related to the voter rolls,” Logan said. “So, for example, we have 11,326 people that did not show up on a November 7th version of the voter rolls, and after votes were cast, but then appeared on the December 4th voter rolls.”

“Just to be clear, they show as voted this past election,” he added. “But they were not on the November 7th version of the file, but they did show up on the December 4th version.”

The news follows upon massive developments in the Fulton County election audit, which shows thousands of ballots were wrongfully counted for Biden in the ballot tallies. Tucker Carlson revealed the evidence in a bombshell segment on Wednesday night.

Author: Kyle Becker


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